Premium Quality Handraised Green Cheeked Conures and Quaker Parrots in Brisbane, Queensland
freight information
We are excited to be able to offer freight within QLD or interstate to our clients. It is still just as important to us to match a baby's emerging personality with the type of family and environment they will be living with once they leave us. We also freight breeding pairs for breeders.
We understand it can be a nerve-wracking decision to fly your new companion interstate for you, especially if you've never experienced it before. It is normal to worry about how the noise, smells and even fumes may affect your bird, and whether the stress would pose a negative effect either short or long term for them. In our experience, they generally are pretty happy to get out at the other end, have a drink of water and meet their new humans. In the case of hand reared pets, some will look for physical interaction and be off exploring straight away, and others may want to have a big sleep first. It is important to read their body language and not to overwhelm them in their new environment.
The process of getting your new family member freighted to you is quite simple: we do all the work for you!
1. Let us know which airport is closest to you, which day works best and a preferred time.
(Please note: Green cheeked conures and quakers are prohibited in WA, and cannot be freighted. Tasmania will need a movement application.)
2. We ring the airline and request a quote. We will only send by air cargo as it is the most reliable, fastest and least amount of stress on the birds, especially when compared to road freight.
Currently, our preferred freight service is with Virgin Australia Cargo, however we can book with Qantas to those airports that don't have Virgin Australia access like regional and rural airports.
3. We come back to you with a price*. Unfortunately flight prices haven't been immune to increases this year, and have jumped significantly for certain airports. We strive to keep our price affordable for you, while considering the flight cost plus airline approved freight box and small allowance for tolls and fuel. We do end up absorbing some of the cost to make sure it is as economical as possible.
*Prices subject to change, please message us to confirm.
Destination | One Bird | Two Birds |
To Adelaide | $195 | $215 |
To Mackay | $180 | $200 |
To Melbourne | $195 | $215 |
To Rockhampton | $180 | $200 |
To Sydney | $180 | $200 |
​4. Once we confirm the price with you and get the all clear, we require payment in full. We will send through our bank details, and once it has cleared into our account, you will be sent through your receipt for proof of payment.
5. Booking the flight: We need your full name, email address ​​​​and phone number, as you will need to show your Driver's Licence or ID card in order to pick up your bird at the cargo agent.
6. Once the flight is booked and paid for from our end, we will send you the details of your flight, including the Airway Bill Number, flight code, date, departure and arrival time, and pick up address.
7. On the day of your flight, we will be sure to send you plenty of photos of your bird/s, before they are placed into the freight box. The boxes are airline approved, strong plywood construction with sliding door at the back secured shut with screws to prevent risk of escape. It also has small, grated windows in the front and a perch on the inner base to make sure they have grip and cannot slide about and hurt themselves. We send pairs in a box with separate compartments to ensure their safety in a stressful environment, even if they are a bonded or breeding pair. Inside the boxes we place some of their regular pellets and seed, and a large piece of apple for hydration as water dishes are not permitted. Don't be alarmed if you notice they haven't eaten as much as expected, the new sights, sounds and going on an aircraft would be quite a scary experience and likely not to feel like eating very much in transit.
You may also like to track the flight via live radar on Flight Stats or Flight Radar 24 using your flight number (eg: VA1396). This will keep you updated as to any delays in arrival time and maybe ease a little of the anxiety that comes from the long awaited trip.
8. We take the journey from our home to the Brisbane airport to arrive two hours before the flight is due to leave, which is just over an hour's drive. The crate is then lodged at the cargo depot, and will be sent to the plane when they are ready to load. We will let you know when they have been dropped off.
9. When the flight arrives at your airport, it is normally about 20-30 minutes before they are ready to be collected at the depot. Please have your photo identification ready for them to verify who is picking them up. As a matter of courtesy, please also send us a quick message to confirm you have them safely in your possession.
10. When you are back home, be sure to never force them out of the crate. Majority of the time, they will happily fly out, whether into your home or into their new aviary.
For young handreared birds, make sure you are in a smaller space and lift the door up and off. Talk softly to them, and if they are hesitant to come out, just be patient and wait; they will come out in their own time. Have water ready to offer them after their journey, as it may have been upwards of 5-6 hours since they last had access. Take it slow, and do not rush up on them; offer a slow moving hand and watch their body language, change your actions if necessary.
For aviary birds, place the crate inside their cage or aviary if possible, and lift the door up and off. Do not force them out of the crate, shake or bang the sides. Allow them time to get their bearings and assess their new surroundings as being safe; they will come out when they are ready, there's no rush. Make sure they have water and food available to them straight away.
For majority of shipments, things go completely smoothly and the birds are not affected and keep a close eye on the flight times to let you know if there are any expected delays. We maintain that air freight is the only adequate way of transporting our premium quality birds with minimal risk. There are many reasons that we do not risk road transport of companion parrots, firstly it is a significantly longer journey in which we have no control over how the birds are stored, handled, fed or watered. A trip that would take 2 hours by air would take 3 or 4 days, even longer if heading to one of the southern states.
In the early days, we have sent by road as per our customer's wishes, but against our better judgement and against the plethora of negative reviews and experiences shared online and by people we know. Thankfully the experience did not end in death, injury or sickness, but our birds were not fed or watered, their cage was filled with chicken feathers and dirt, the crate that was provided was rusted and for a service that took much longer yet the same price of a flight, it was not worth the risk. We vowed that we will only send by air from here on out.
Secondly, it is a much greater risk to biosecurity, which we take very seriously. Yes, birds may be air freighted along side dogs, cats and other animals, but road transport is primarily used for livestock such as chickens, ducks, even goats. These animals are much more likely to pass on disease and parasites to your new bird, and it is our responsibility to make sure your bird gets to you just as healthy and happy as it was when it was here. By air travel, your parrot has a much lower exposure time to any potential illnesses, and is in a more enclosed crate compared to an open cage. They also would feel more secure in a darker, smaller crate for a short amount of time rather than a cage for many days surrounded by other animals.
The babies we raise from the time they open their eyes are just as special to us as they are to you, and it is our duty of care to ensure you receive not only what you paid for, but your bird deserves the continued health and utmost care as they leave our home and join yours. That is our promise to you.