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Premium Quality Handraised Green Cheeked Conures and Quaker Parrots in Brisbane, Queensland
Green-Cheeked Conure Colours & Mutations
We have so many wonderful colours available in Australia, with even more available overseas additionally. Here is an overview to help you identify your own conure, someone else's, or choose your next family member. The following photographs are the property of Maranatha Aviaries©.
DO NOT screenshot, save or republish any copyrighted photographs from this website without expressed permission by the owner. This is a copyright infringement and punishable by law.
We are also working on cataloguing side-by-side comparisons of some of the mutations, feel free to check them out here.
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green opaline (yellow-sideD)

SF VIOLET green opaline (yellow-sideD)

dF VIOLET green opaline (yellow-sideD)

green cinnamon

sf violet green cinnamon

green pineapple

High Red green pineapple

sf violet green pineapple

DF Violet green pineapple


sf vIOLET turquoise

df vIOLET turquoise

Turquoise Opaline (Yellow-sided)

SF Violet turquoise opaline (yellow-sided)

dF Violet turquoise opaline (yellow-sided)

turquoise cinnamon

SF VIOLET turquoise cinnamon

df violet turquoise cinnamon

turquoise pineapplE

SF Violet turquoise pineapple

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